Achievement+ Perspective+ Perseverance





The West Bank Sports Complex 
We are close to adding lights to F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6
Here is how we are managing your team's training in the interim. 

The West Bank Sports Complex can train 70 teams PER NIGHT.
  • 35 teams can train at 530 PM 
  • 35 teams can train at 700 PM.  
  • This is nearly capacity.
  • The capacity of West Bank will now be expanded given newly installed irrigation (surfaces ready late Spring 2025). 

To achieve the 70 teams/night metric requires teams to abide by a 530-700 & 700-830 Slot Parameter. 
  • Why 7 PM?  8:30 PM we consider an appropriate end-time for the 2nd session for U13+ athletes
    • This considers the following
      • Drive Time to Home
      • Sleep Cycle & Study Time Habits & Nutrition Rituals for athletes 
      • Young Licensed Drivers leaving on time to get home on time 
      • Parents w/ multiple kids, multiple ages, coordinating activities 
      • Cold Weather Nights (temperatures dropping later into the night) 
  • Why 530 PM? 5:30 PM is the earliest we believe a non-school activity can begin off of school campuses for school-aged youth. 
    • This considers
      • End of School Time
      • Drive Time from Work to Training for younger non driving athletes 
      • Heat Advisory Times (normally by 530 PM in Oklahoma the heat index is safe) 
      • Bed Time, Study Time, Dinner Time, Young Athlete End of Day Rituals 
  • Why 1.5 HOURS?  1.5 hours is the maximal length a training session should last per all data and research for elite level athletes.  
  • 1.5 Hour Allotments includes consideration for:
    • physical fatigue (injury risk), 
    • mental fatigue (focus & learning capacity), 
    • social time allocation (athletes are social creatures), 
    • working memory - people learn better with smaller amounts retained in working memory at frequent reminder intervals with 24 hour spans between engagement). 
    • Game Function -> Most research indicates optimal performance is derived from team practices equivalent to length of competition time
      • Full soccer games are 90 mins,
      • EX: U8 practice might be 45-60 minutes since this is how long the athlete's game is 
CANNOT MAKE 530 or 700 WORK & MUST USE 6 or 630 
  • We understand the complications.
  • However, you are required to understand that a 6 PM and 630 PM start time means that you are using 2 teams training space in a resource that is barely fitting your teammates/family members. 
  • If you MUST train at 6 PM then your session is likely to end after 7 PM, and will overlap w/ the next session beginning at 7 PM.  You should contact the 7 PM session coach.
  • The BEGINNING and END of a SESSION SHOULD look different. 
    • The BEGINNING or PREP/ACTIVATE portion requires LESS SPACE.  
    • The END or FINAL GAME portion requires MORE SPACE. 
  • It is possible for two teams to overlap by 30 minutes as one BEGINS and one ENDS because space allows IF - ONLY IF - two adults can cooperate.
  • This would also require TWO ADULTS TO LEAD PARENTS WHO FROM AFAR MAY DECIDE THEY ARE NOT BEING PROVIDED A FAIR ALLOTMENT OF RESOURCES - when in fact their team is learning how to cooperate and share needed resources  
WSA-TULSA has 100+ teams.  WSA-TULSA can offer every team 1/2 Soccer Field. 
  • These teams vary between 3v3, 4v4, 7v7, 9v9, 11v11 formats & so too do the field sizes
  • Over a 15 year period WSA has asked coaches for ideal training conditions
    • 1/2 Soccer Field w/
    • 1 Goal Available 
    • Dedicated Space (reserved & scheduled)
    • Marked Field Lines (boxes, endlines, touchlines, circles, etc) 
  • We create training space metrics on the assumption above that each team coach desires 1/2 of a soccer field 
  • STRONG POINT OF CLARIFICATION - most of Pep's sessions spend the MAJORITY of TIME, well OVER HALF sometimes to ALL, in a grid of a small fraction of 1/2 of a field - reference Pep Guardiola, trainer Man City, Barcelona, and a player known as Messi who train in smaller confines to produce better football. These stanards are kept by those considered by many the best player & manager in the modern game (other than Thiery Henry & Arsene Venge).  No goal is used during that time either 😁.  
  • WSA's aim is nonetheless is:
    • REGULAR TRAINING 1/2 of a soccer field, w/ dedicated scheduling, 1 goal per 1/2 of field, as a min standard for EVERY SESSSIONwith
    • INTERMITTENT TRAINING - mesocyclic rotation for a full field for teams to train in collaboration to work on larger tactical functions of the game (press setting, press breaking, counter moving, build out, phase III consolidation, channel differentiation, etc... etc). 
    • This will require coaches to FULLY ONBOARD to the WSA WAY of training so that space is not forfeited for training sessions that are not executed w/ correct methodology & to ensure  sessions render proper results 
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (not recommended due to periodization)
  • From a periodization standpoint
    • U13+ teams should train in a minimum of 4:1 training:game ratio, w/ recommendations 5:1 ratios.  
    • U6 - U12 teams should train in a 2:1 or 1:1 training:game ratio, as the game is still the primary teacher 
  • 4:1 and 5:1 Training:Game ratio is not the ideal condition when other social, mental, physical, and parental logistical constraints are considered, so WSA moves 13U+ to 3:1 ratios or 2:1 ratios. 
    • WSA teams train 2X per week.  Some teams which travel regionally, train 3X per week.
  • Microcycle training frequencies vary between the moments of the season: 
    • Preseason - training volume higher
    • Offseason - training volume lower 
    • Inseason - training:game ratios maintained per above recommendations 
    • Prep phase - training:game ratio is higher 
    • Transition phase - training:game ratio is lower (for performance) 
    • Post season - training:game ratio fluctuates based on sought peak time 
    • Each team's annual and biannual training calendar is unique to their league, post season, and overall objectives, age, and level. 
  • When considering microcycle and mesocycle loads, FRIDAY training is not recommended.
    • Friday training day is a luxury to school and professional programs where the athlete "resides on campus". 
  • During Daylight Period (April 20 - September 1) Between MON, TUES, WED, THURS, there are 280 training slots available to WSA teams during daylight hours. 
  • During the Dark Period (Oct 31 - Mar 1) between MON, TUES, WED, THURS, there are 200 training slots available. There are 80 less slots available bc 5 fields do not currently (10/11/24) have lighting. 
  • During the Transition Periods (Sept 1 - Oct 31 and March 1 - April 20) there are 220 training slots available.  This allows for use of fields without lights from 530 PM - 7:00 PM.
  • Civil Twilight ends at 7 PM on Oct 26 (Naval Observatory) 
    • The last time a 530 PM session can be executed for 90 minutes is Oct 26.
    • We will ask 530 sessions to continue through Nov 1st meaning those sessions from Oct 26 - Nov 1 will be shortened by 4 minutes (it will be too dark at 6:55 PM on Nov 1) 
  • We have reshuffled some teams for the period of Oct 1 - Nov 1 to help teams have enough lighted space.
  • Teams using the non lit fields: 2,3,4,5,6 - will be rescheduled to lighted field space for the period of Nov 1 onward --- OR --- we are also adding lights to F2 and F3 and we hope to have the project completed at 40-50% by Oct 31st. 
  • Several teams have elected to rent space on Thursday's.  Teams were asked to NOT rent any space off site (away from West Bank or All-Star) until after Oct 1.  
  • The purpose of only using WSA Facilities through Oct 1, from Roger, was to help create "COMMUNITY" in training together
    • Training in a community environment has sacrifices:
      • focus,
      • dedicated space,
      • energy, convenience, and
      • other aspects that are important to a good training environment).  
  • Training in a community setting also has advantages
    •  leverages resources,
    • improves parental logistics for those w/ multiple kids,
    • is conducive to GK Training & performance training
    • is conducive to video sessions,
    • conduscive to technical supplemental sessions by T90,
    • improves coach:player ratios,
    • allows oversight by Directors & TDs,
    • improves relationships by creating connecting points between humans,
    • improves communication,
    • creates sense of pride,
    • provides unique socialization growth for athletes,
    • improves club logistics for safety,
    • retains funds that can be invested IN a HOME instead of RENTED to other FOR PROFIT facilities. 
  • The teams who currently are moving off-site for a temporary period of time did so by collecting additional funds from their athletes.  This was not required or expected by the club, but was allowed.  This will open space as we move forward on lighted surfaces. 
  • The club will consider creating training opportunities at our game facilities at Case Community Parks given the improved turf management.  This will be done to improve space needs for the window of Nov 1 - Dec 5. 
  • NOT ALL FIELDS ARE THE SAME.  We are investing in fields on a rotational basis. Fields are made of grass which is a living organism, and it thrives, survives, or flounders based on weather, usage, and other living organisms. 
  • We do make efforts to move teams to the fields we "think" are preferred or away from the non preferred.  Ultimately though Roger has stated this CLEARLY - BE GRATEFUL-  this is required as a member of WSA.   Cooperate in solutions - also REQUIRED.  These are non-negotiables.  
  • We are NOT BUILDING for YOU.   We ARE building for EACH OTHER.  This is the ONLY WAY.  This is not driven by Roger, but is driven by the longstanding service of icons such as Jeremy Herrington, Keith Sullivan, Kevin & Gordon McAllister, Teddie Harmon, Skip & Francis Whitehurst, Bruce Bennet, Teddie Harmon, Chris Foster, Curt McGinis, Nick & Jamie Bradford, Josh Eardley, Mark & Melissa Foster, and so many others.... Their Legacy does not have to be protected b/c it was so strong in service that quite simply it lives above and beyond and ahead of each of us.  We are just grateful to be a part of it.... 

I spent the greater majority of my life without favorites other than the Boston Celtics, Arsenal and Dallas Cowboys.

Today my favorites are problem solvers, action takers, & good teammates.

In spite of now having favorites, I provide no preference w/ resources.  If you a favorite, I also assume you are an overcomer.  If you are weak or vulnerable, let me know, and I'll try to help you do and be better.  If you are an overcomer I have HIGH EXPECTATIONS for what you can invent, inform, create, for your team AND for others.  

If I need to lower my expectations for you please let me know.