- For most persons with COVID-19 illness, isolation and precautions can generally be discontinued 10 days after symptoms onset and resolution of fever for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications, and with improvement of other symptoms.
- For persons who never develop symptoms, isolation and other precautions can be discontinued 10 dyas after the date of their first positive RT-PCR test for SARS -CoV-2 RNA.
- People with immunocompromised systems might need to stay home longer than 10 days.
REV 7/23/2020
Any person experiencing any symptoms of COVID19 should do the following:
- Stay home and not report to team training, games, or events.
- Contact team coach and/or manager alerting the team leader of symptoms.
- Team Leader should contact team members via team communication process to alert all team members of the teammate who is experiencing symptoms.
- Document when symptoms began and inform team leader of any potential contact with team members.
- Remain isolated from team members, team events including practice and games, for a period of at least 10 days from onset of symptoms.
Any person testing positive should do the following:
- Stay home and not report to team training, games, or events.
- Contact team coach and/or manager alerting the team leader of date of positive test.
- Team Leader should contact team members via team communication process to alert all team members of the teammate testing positive and date of test.
- Document date of COVID19 positive test, inform team leader of any potential contact with team members.
- Remain isolated from team members, team events including practice and games, for a period of at least 10 days from date of positive test.
Any person in "close contact" with a person who tested postitive for COVID19
- Stay home and not report to team training, games, or events.
- Contact team coach and/or manager alerting the team leader of date of contact with person testing positive for COVID19.
- Team Leader should contact team members via team communication process to alert all team members of the teammate's date of contact with a COVID19 positive test person.
- Document when contact with the person with COVID19 happened, inform team leader of that date of contact, inform team leader of any potential contact with team members.
- Remain isolated from team members, team events including practice and games, for a period of at least 10 days from date of contact with the person testing positive for COVID19.
Persons in Close Contact or Proximate Close Contact with COVID+ Retrospectively
Since some players may come in close contact or may not be able to determine "close contact" but can confirm proximate location to a person who has tested positive for COVID19, but the proximate, close contact occured on an ocassion prior to the positive test, WSA has adapted the following recommendations:
These recommendations are based on knowing COVID19 exhibits an incubation period of 3-5 days in which infection is possible, symptoms are not manifested, and transmissibility is unknown.
- Any player who within 5 days has been in close contact with someone who tested positive (from date of test) or is symptomatic (from date person first reported symptoms) then this person who does not fall under the above duration of isolation recommendations, should in good faith quarantine from the player's team for 5 days, returning on the 5th day of quarantine, ONLY IF the person quarantining has developed no symptoms and/or if that person has received a negative test.
An example: Sally has a game on Saturday. On Monday Sally's mom tests positive. Sally determines she has been in close contact, or enough proximity to her mom that Sally must "quarantine" for 10 days, while her mom must "isolate" for 10 days. The final 3 days, days 8, 9, and 10 must be symptom free days without use of medication for Sally or her mom to return to soccer activities (or other activities).
However, Sally's teammates on Saturday, were in close contact or proximate close contact to Sally on Saturday. It is UNCERTAIN of the "close contact" and it is UNCERTAIN if Sally might have been infected and contagious on Saturday while in proximate contact with her teammates.
- Since teammates are UNCERTAIN, but were in contact with Sally within 5 days of Sally's mom positive test (Monday), then in an ABUNDANCE OF CAUTION, we recommend that all teammates self-quarantine for 5 days.
- We recommend in an effort of community goodwill that those in quarantine limit public activity and engagement. If in public during the self-quarantine of 5 days, then in an ABUNDANCE OF CAUTION:
- always wear a mask,
- wash hands frequently,
- social/physical distance constantly,
- in every possible way limit contact with others.
- During this time these teammates should not attend WSA functions, training, or events. Since this impacts the entire team this will mean cancelation of a minimum of one team training session.
- Teammates should monitor their own symptoms closely and if developing symptoms, should move from 5-day quarantine to CDC recommended 10-day isolation.
- Players who may not have been with a team on this ocassion, are still free to attend training with other WSA teams.
- Masks should be worn by all persons over the age of 10 when entering and at all times while inside the indoor facility.
- Masks should be worn by coaches before, during, and after games. Coaches can communicate for brief periods of time, by removing mask to uncover the mouth.
- Players and coaches are encouraged to wash hands prior to entering the team setting, and upon exiting the team setting.
- Players are not required to wear masks while participating, with the understanding at time of publish, that disease transmission is not accelerated while participating in competitive sports.