Click Here to Make the Leader Committment
DATES: March 14 - April 4 (aprox dates for 2024)
LAUNCH PHASE: Week of Spring Break
Set the tone w/ Acts of Service. Social Media Posts w/ pics & videos to remind others. Encourage a teammate, share the idea, help lay foundation for IMPACT.
Please share a file of your pic or video for our use to help us spread your example: CLICK HERE.
SERVE THE FAMILY: Weekend of March 15-17 (opening weekend of Spring Break)
Serve inside your own family and home.
Goal: Serve your family in your home.
IMPACT ZONE: March 25 - March 29
5 Days of Impact
Goal: Involvement by 100 club members inside of these 5 days!
Continue the service to make a lasting impact and difference.
Goal: Spread your kindness to others. Set an example. Be the light.
1. Downloand and print "THE SIDE SERVES" ticket and cut into 4 tickets (use 1 or all 4!).
2. "Do" something nice for another.
3. Please note that you must "do" and take "action". An omission of some selfish act won't qualify. You must "give" of yourself, some resource of time, talent, energy, or work. Improve someone else's situation, day, or world.
4. Give away your THE SIDE SERVES ticket to the person you served.
You may just leave the ticket on a porch, or in a mailbox, on a door handle, and maybe a quick note on the back? "Hey I cleaned up your front yard. Name. Have a great day!". Maybe, spread this ticket virtually in your cyber community.
5. Report back to your coach or manager. Share a picture, story, or video: upload a file here. We will share on social media to help remind others to get in the act of serving. Use #TheSideServes.
Let's help remind each other during a time of history that has encouraged overwhelming thoughts of self-preservation, that SERVING OTHERS has value, is needed, and matters.
7. Enjoy the reward that comes with serving others.
"One of the greatest ironies of life is this: He or she who serves almost always benefits more than he or she who is served."
- Gordon B. Hincley
PARTICIPATION BRACELET - Players Participating Receive a SIDE BEFORE SELF Bracelet. These bracelets will be distributed to team leaders who acknowledge team participation. Team leaders will disperse to players who participate.