All outdoor events at WSA should operate under guidelines highlighted in the following table which utilizes wind-chill temperature information – not actual temperature.
30°-25° F |
Be aware and ready for possibility of cold injuries – modify warmup and prep times for training Total exposure time: maximum 2 hours Cancel all 10U and younger sessions |
25° - 15° F |
Cover exposed skin Offer re-warming every 20 min. Consider canceling training & games. |
15° - 0° F |
Consider limitations or modifying activity to limit exposure |
<0° |
Cancel practice/training/game, reschedule or move indoors |
Youth Academy U4-U10 Game Day Cold Weather Policy
* Applies to ACS & YDP Leagues *
Temperatures metric = “Wind Chill” in Fahrenheit.
Forecasts should be completed by 48-72 hours prior to games, and again 24-48 prior to games (i.e. by Wednesday 5 PM for Saturday games, and again by Thursday 12 PM for Saturday games).
< 40° F Windchill Forecast |
If Wind Chills are not above 40° prior to 12 PM then all games are canceled. |
< 40° F Windchill Forecast |
If Wind Chills are forecasted above 40° by 12 PM then games may be played. Morning games may be canceled. |
> 40° F Windchill Forecast |
If Wind Chills are forecasted above 40° then games will be played. |
Changing Temperature |
If Wind Chill falls below 32° during the day games may be canceled. If temperature (not wind chill) falls below 30° then site coordinator should cancel games or provide a warming solution. |
Youth Academy U4-U10 Training Day Policy
< 40° F Windchill Forecast |
If Wind Chills are not above 40° then practices should be canceled. |
< 40° F Windchill Forecast |
If Wind Chills are not above 40° and not below 32° and a coach presents a warming solution, or limited training setting, a Director of Coaching may approve for U9 and U10 teams. |
> 40° F Windchill Forecast |
If Wind Chills are forecasted above 40° then training sessions will not be canceled. |
Changing Temperature On Day of Training |
If Wind Chill falls below 32° during the evening/day of training, then training may be canceled. If temperature (not wind chill) falls below 30° then session should be canceled and players returned to cars/warmth. |